December 2022

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Supper - Wigilia, is one of the most widely cherished of Polish rituals. Custom dictates that there should be twelve dishes, just like the Twelve Apostles, and that the celebration should start when the first star appears.

Just before sitting down for dinner, a prayer is said and opłatek (Polish Christmas wafer) is exchanged with all family and friends in attendance, sharing special good wishes. The wafer is unique to Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia.

As Poles don't eat meat on Christmas Eve, the main entree is usually some type of fish, which may include carp, salmon, or white fish.

Midnight Mass commemorates the prayers of shepherds on their way to Bethlehem.


Popular Christmas Wishes & Carols Wishes

Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

Merry Christmas!

Życzę Ci wszystkiego co najlepsze, dużo zdrowia, szczęścia i uśmiechu na każdy dzień. Aby nadchodzący rok przyniósł jak najwięcej radości.

I wish you all the best: health, happiness and smile for every day of your life. I hope the upcoming year will bring you only bright moments and joy.


Cicha Noc - Silent Night

Bóg Się Rodzi - God is Born

Przybieżeli do Betlejem- Shepards Come to Bethlehem

Lulajże Jezuniu - Hush-a-bye Baby Jesus

The Officers and Directors of the PACCF wish you and your families a Blessed Christmas and thank you for your support of our philanthropic endeavors, both in Poland and the U. S. throughout 2022.


Help for Ukraine

The Republic of Poland has opened its hearts and arms to welcome its brothers and sisters to give them refuge. To date, there are now over 3,000,000 displaced citizens from Ukraine in Poland. With the atrocities of the Russian army bombing schools, apartment buildings, hospitals, and towns, numerous numbers of Ukrainian civilians are being hurt or killed in the conflict. During the conflict, it is always the most vulnerable - who suffer the most.

Many towns, humanitarian organizations, and the government in Poland are taking care of those who are in need, but Poland is on the edge of a humanitarian crisis.

The Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation has stepped forward and during a Special Board Meeting, the decision was made to support Polish humanitarian organizations Polski Czerwony Krzyz and Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci w Przemyślu.

The Lublin Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross has provided camp beds, mattresses, and sleeping bags, which will allow many of the Ukrainian citizens in need at border crossings in the Lublin region. The Subcarpathian Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross in Rzeszów is also preparing to provide needed assistance to those in need.

One of the goals of the Polish Red Cross is to always prevent suffering and their mitigation in all circumstances while maintaining impartiality, without any discrimination. To achieve this goal, the Polish Red Cross promotes knowledge of international humanitarian law and cooperates with public authorities to ensure that it is respected. The role of the Polish Red Cross is exceptional. It is the only humanitarian organization in Poland, which disseminates knowledge about international humanitarian law, which is one of the basic duties performed jointly by employees and volunteers.

The Society of Children's Friends in Przemysl, has been helping children and families with disabilities in Poland for over 100 years. Located on the border, they are currently fundraising to assist children and families fleeing from Ukraine to Poland to provide a safe space and shelter. Their goal is to provide support and help to children, youth, and families who are escaping into Przemyśl.

Displaced Ukrainian citizens, especially children and women, have been migrating to Polish cities from the first hours of the conflict. At the main railway station in Przemyśl, a reception point has been organized to help people coming from Ukraine. Many Polish families are providing strollers, food, clothing, and necessities to make their Ukrainian brothers and sisters feel safe and welcome.

The Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation is doing its part as well by donating $100,000.00 to assist our brothers and sisters in Poland to continue this great humanitarian mission they have chosen. If you would like to help, donations can be made directly to:


January 2023


November 2022